EnerCom utilizes an array of valuation metrics to determine both public and private company economic values.

Knowing what your company is worth is the first step in developing your brand, managing your balance sheet and evaluating strategic options. EnerCom’s professionals have been helping companies understand their value from the market’s perspective, identify value gaps or premiums and evaluate strategies for creating long-term value.

Investments in private energy companies are often difficult to value. EnerCom has a multi-year track record of helping some of the world’s largest energy investors’ value private holdings in oil and gas, oilfield services, alternative energy and more. We can help you get an objective, unbiased and comprehensive understanding of fair market value.
our professionals provide
the advantages of independent insight & expertise to differentiate your brand

Investments in private energy companies are often difficult to value. EnerCom has a multi-year track record of helping some of the world’s largest energy investors’ value private holdings in oil and gas, oilfield services, alternative energy and more. We can help you get an objective, unbiased and comprehensive understanding of fair market value.
enercom’s advantages:
- Proprietary industry analytics and processes
- 300+ companies in our database
- 100% focused on energy
- Flexible valuation frequency—monthly, quarterly or on an annual basis
- ERISA compliant
- Audit support
- Consistent valuation procedures
- Provided hundreds of valuations on domestic and international holdings